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Xintao Excellent Performance Management Training Activities for All employees

Xintao Excellent Performance Management Training Activities for All employees


All Xintao employees learn performance management excellence, setting off a learning craze among all employees!


Recently, Xintao Company organized a two-day closed study for all employees to learn about performance excellence management. This learning content includes KPI setting, KPI decomposition, KPI definition, etc. It is designed to help Xintao employees better understand the core elements of performance management, improve work efficiency, and achieve individual and team goals.


This performance management training was warmly welcomed by the majority of employees, and everyone said they benefited a lot. Through study, employees have a deep understanding of the importance and methods of performance management, learned how to correctly set, decompose and manage performance indicators, and mastered the core skills to improve work efficiency. This study not only enabled employees to better understand their work tasks and responsibilities, but also strengthened communication and cooperation among employees, laying a solid foundation for the company's development.


During the learning process, Xintao Company also specially invited Mr. Liang Guanlong, an expert in the performance management industry, to conduct in-depth training interactions and exchanges with employees. They not only answered questions on the spot, but also shared some practical cases and experiences from other companies, allowing employees to better understand the essence and value of performance management and laying a solid foundation for realizing the company's vision.


After the study was completed, Xintao employees said that this study not only filled their knowledge gaps, but also stimulated their enthusiasm and motivation for work. They said that they will work harder in the operation of departments and positions in the future to help the company's development. At the same time, they also hope that Xintao Company can continue to strengthen employee training and learning opportunities, continuously improve the quality and comprehensive strength of employees, and contribute more to the development of the company.


This study fully demonstrated Xintao Company’s emphasis on and care for employee development, and also reflected the company’s humanistic care and corporate responsibility. I believe that in the days to come, Xintao Company will become more stable, healthy and sustainable.


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