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Anniversary Celebration of Xintao's Employees in the Third Quarter of 2022

Anniversary Celebration of Xintao's Employees in the Third Quarter of 2022


Anniversary Celebration of Xintao's Employees in the Third Quarter of 2022

Do you still remember why you chose XinTao at the beginning, and why did you persist and grow up with XinTao?

On this special day, we ushered in XinTao's 2022 third quarter employee entry anniversary birthday party. This activity reflects the company's consistent corporate culture of people-oriented and caring for employees. Among the batch of employees who have just joined the company for the first anniversary in the third quarter, there are also 4-year-old employees, and there are even 12-year and 16-year-old employees. Every employee is a valuable asset for the development of the enterprise, XinTao always cares for every employee.

At the beginning of the birthday party, Mr. Liu Jianbin, chairman of XinTao, delivered an important speech for the event on behalf of XinTao: "XinTao has always adhered to great development, big ideas, and great spirit. In this new era of forging ahead, seize new opportunities and create New achievements and new challenges are what each of our XinTao staff needs to do. Every person and position here today is something that the company cannot give up; on this special day, I hope you will join hands with XinTao to write a new chapter in your future life and work, and add new impetus to the development of the company, a new vision. "


1.A letter from XinTao

A letter signed by the chairman, full of blessings to every employee; an exquisite anniversary gift, representing the unique warmth of this big family.

2.Staff representative speaks

During the anniversary celebration, Ms. Wu Xia gave a speech as a representative of employees.

"Sixteen years are countless years of youth. XinTao has witnessed my growth and made me who I am now. I have walked together with XinTao for 16 years. We have experienced different storms and tasted all the ups and downs, both good and bad. But in the end, we still support each other firmly, which has made us who we are now. I am grateful to XinTao for making my current achievements. My growth can not be separated from the cultivation of enterprises. May the next eight or ten years I am still working with the company to achieve better results. "

3.happy time

Finally, Mr. Tan Jianfeng, the head of the general department, prepared an interesting table game for everyone. In a happy atmosphere, everyone ushered in the moment of blowing candles and making a wish. Everyone silently wished to go hand in hand with XinTao, grow together, and be prosperous together.


Press the tentative button at this moment for the happy hour of the day. We look forward to the next happy hour together, and continue XinTao's hard work and positive spirit!

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