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The 2023 Xintao Annual Meeting丨Common Growth, Common Prosperity

The 2023 Xintao Annual Meeting丨Common Growth, Common Prosperity


As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, our company held a joyful and peaceful annual meeting. On this occasion, we deeply feel the care and encouragement our leaders have given us over the past year, and we are also grateful for the efforts of our employees over the past year.

In the past year, we have made new breakthroughs and many major events have happened one after another. In these processes, the company also made many new attempts and explorations. We have gone into customer business and expanded our visibility and business volume through offline exhibitions, while also enriching our understanding and awareness of customer needs; we have implemented an excellent performance system learning for all employees to improve employees' professional skills and teamwork capabilities; we have added new production lines, expanded our production capabilities, and expanded the company's industrial scope.

However, in the coming year we need to work harder, be more focused, and work together to achieve new goals. We believe that only by actively facing challenges can we achieve success. Therefore, in the new year, we need an indomitable spirit, continuous progress and hard work, and do our best to do our best for the development of the company.

The activities of the annual meeting were very exciting. In addition to the opening dance, song performances and sketches, there were many lottery draws, and everyone got their own prizes and honorary titles. This atmosphere fills everyone's hearts and increases our team cohesion.

Here, Xintao would like to express its gratitude to all employees for your dedication and contribution to the company. In your future life and career path, I hope you will continue to maintain a positive attitude and contribute to your own career and the development of the company. .

In the new year, we still have many goals and challenges waiting for us. We are deeply aware of the changes in the times and the changes in the industry, and we have also seen many competitors in the market. However, we are more confident and determined to maintain our enthusiasm and professionalism at every moment, create new advantages and achieve new successes.

Thank you to the company's leaders and all employees. In the new year, let us continue to move forward together and create a better future for us!

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