Gemstones beneficiation equipment

by:Xintao Technology     2020-07-14
Our Saw-tooth Wave Ladder Jig is a new type of energy saving and high efficient gravity separation equipment and developed based on the traditional Sine Wave Jig. The difference between Saw-tooth Wave Ladder Jig and Sine Wave Jig is that the pulsation curve for jigging is saw-tooth wave shape, with speedy upward flow and slow downward flow. Bed layer is elevated integrally and slowly dropped with a long effective loose time, allowing significant increase of handling capacity for unit screen surface, decrease of lower limit of grain size recovery and large save of make-up water for undersize fraction. At CommodasUltrasort, we pride ourselves on producing simple to use and easy to install systems. Furthermore, they are low maintenance and a modem connection secures online system inspection and software downloads. CommodasUltrasort's systems Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) stands at seven thousand hours. This means that our products will ensure your operation runs both highly smoothly and highly efficiently. Gypsum beneficiation equipment The Sulfuric Acid, Rock phosphate Mineral Powder and water are mixed in a agitated process vessel connected with scrubber system. The above slurry solution is filtered and the filterate is Collected in another agitated process vessel as Crude Phosphoric Acid for further processing. The solid part is Gypsum, which is thoroughly washed with water to make it free from Crude Phosphoric Acid. The wash water \ recycled water containing phosphoric Acid is recycled in next batch with Rock phosphate and Sulphuric Acid. During this step the impurities of Rock Phosphate Mineral [such as Florspar CaF2, CaCo3 Lime stone] are reacted with Sulphuric Acid. The CaF2 forms HF with sulphuric Acid. The HF is reacted with Silica to forms SiF4 is highly soluble in water to form H2SiF6 and silica inside the Scrubber as well as inside the agitated Process vessel. This Acid is concentrated and the concern condensate in neutralised with Ca(OH)2 & insoluble precipitate is mixed with hyproduct Gypsum. The Crude Phosphoruc Acid contains further some H2SiF6 The H2SiF6 [Hydro Silicic acid or Hexa Fluoro Silicaste] is mixed with Lime stone Powder to form insoluble Florspar (CaF2), which is soluble only in strong concentrate acid. This is also filtered with partial precipitate of Calcium Phosphate (Tri) this insoluble is recycled with Acid recovery of P2O5 in Adulation process with Rock Phosphate. After filtering above Slurry Solution, the filterate is Purified Phosphoric Acid. Zeolite Powder Production Line Ultrafine mill is improved through the use of high pressure spring and the accuracy of machines, thereby increasing the fineness of grinding materials, the smallest increase from the original 2000 target for the 3500 projects. Under the same degree of fineness than the average yield of 31.8% increased airflow mill, powder manufacturer since 2006, much like it, become the first choice for purchasing the mill! High Pressing Suspension Grinder is mainly applied to calcite, limestone, marble, kaolin, clay, coal, activated carbon and other materials, grinding and crushing, grinding for the processing of zeolite powder is most appropriate, and the fineness of 500 mesh (25 microns) -2500 Head (5 microns) between the adjustable, zeolite powder manufacturers may need to adjust the fineness according to their own needs. Functional activity of zeolite powder filler level: product is made by processing, mainly used for plastic, rubber, leather and other industries as a functional filler, instead of light calcium carbonate. Used in plastic products, its strength increased by 20% or more. For the paper industry, in the manufacture of newsprint, the place of talcum powder, leave to see a higher degree.
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