
Are you tired of trying expensive products that

by:Xintao Technology     2020-07-29

1) Sleep - If you go into a game tired, you're not going to perform to your best ability. The same goes for sex. If you want to last longer in bed you need to get enough sleep the night before. Have a nap if you plan on having a busy night.

2) Eat Right - Your body needs fuel if it's going to respond the way you want it to. Make sure that before you hit the sheets you eat right. Eat like you're training as an athlete. Skip out on sugary junk foods and stick to fresh vegetables, red meat and lots of complex carbohydrates.

3) Hydrate - Dehydration is enemy number one when it comes to performance between the sheets. Drink two or more liters of water a day and guarantee your ability to fight premature ejaculation.

4) Masturbate - Most guys don't do this, and you shouldn't make the same mistake. Masturbate before sex. Get one out an hour or so before and your body will naturally be forced to last longer. It's scientifically proven and it's effective.

5) Masturbate More - The more you masturbate the longer it's going to take for you to finish when you're having sex with a partner. If you want to show any woman a good time, you need to be able to hold it together on your own first.

6) Masturbate Better - When you masturbate try to last longer each time. The more you practice and get a hold of what it takes to control your orgasm, the better you'll be when it comes to pleasing your girl.

7) Tingling Lubricant - Always use tingling lubricant. It will give her extra pleasure, and you'll be the hero. Also, tingling lubricants are also secret weapons, they have a numbing agent that makes you feel less intensity so you can last longer during sex.

8) Work Out - Your body is your temple. Treat it that way. The more you train your muscles and the longer you can keep your heart rate up without your body going into overdrive, the longer you'll last in bed. If you can't get in a full workout at the gym, try doing fitness routines at home. Squats, push-ups and crunches are great ways to train your muscles without an expensive gym membership.

9) Relax - Most guys really just have a problem with stress. If you can keep your cool you'll be able to focus on dominating your orgasm and not on how hot the girl underneath you is. Going into the bedroom stressed is like being a ticking time bomb; you're ready to explode before you even start. Try meditation, relaxing and watching the game or whatever else helps you chill out for at least an hour everyday.

10) Research - This one is all about knowing what makes you tick. If you can get into the right headspace and cool yourself off when you're excited, you'll have found the best weapon of all. For some guys thinking about baseball works, for others it's anything that's really boring, like sitting through a speech. Masturbate and get yourself as close to climax as possible and then try holding off by thinking about your 'boring' thing. Once you find something that works, practice and use it in the bedroom. You'll never have a problem lasting longer in bed ever again.

With these ten tips on how to last longer in bed for men, you'll never be disappointed again. You now know the secrets on how to practice lasting longer in bed, so all you have to do is try them out for yourself. You have the power to turn your sex life around and please any woman you want. Don't delay and show the girl of your dreams that you have what it takes to please her like she's never been pleasured before.

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