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Anniversary Celebration for First Quarter Employees

Anniversary Celebration for First Quarter Employees


March 15th is the anniversary of Xintao Technology's first-quarter employees joining the company. In order to celebrate this special day, the company held this anniversary celebration in the evening.


At this celebration, everyone expressed their reflections on the years, sharing each other's growth and experience. They all expressed their feelings about their work in the company and the days of struggling with their colleagues over the years. The friends of Xintao all believe that they have found a sense of comfort and belonging while working in Xintao, and at the same time accumulated a wealth of work experience.


One of the celebrations is that the employees eat food together. At Xintao's first quarter entry anniversary celebration, there was a sumptuous meal waiting for everyone, and the employees surrounded the table enthusiastically, enjoying the delicious food. This kind of gourmet banquet not only satisfies the taste buds of the employees, but also brings them closer to colleagues and enhances the emotional communication between them.


When cutting a giant cake, Ms. Wu Xia, the general manager of Xintao, distributed the cake to every employee with heart, which not only made everyone feel the affection, expressed the company's care and gratitude, but also made the employees feel the sense of experience and participation I love this big family even more.


Finally, the company also prepared a special gift for every employee present, thanking them for their work during the year, and expressing the company's appreciation and encouragement. After receiving this gift, the employees' faces were filled with happy smiles and recognition of the company.


This anniversary celebration is not only the company's gratitude and feedback, but also the embodiment of Xintao's entrepreneurial spirit. I believe that in the near future, our team will be more united, stable and mature, which will also become a better company. basis for development. In the future, Xintao will continue to achieve every employee and create a better future with every employee.

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